Saturday 2 June 2007

At this stage I departed from Duane's instructions. This was deliberate at the tim, and worked OK, but if I build another I will follow somehing more similar to Duane's approach (still not certain about the screw!)
His approach is to glass the outside of the hull, with the forms still in the inside.
I was nervous about my first glass clothing for 15 years (I built a surfboard many years ago) being on the outside and visible. I was also not sure about the scheme for having to have a screw holding the bottom panel to the rear most station (where it is quite tortured), and needing to remove the screw mid-way through the glassing. If Duane says it works I'm certain it does - he has built many more kayaks that I have! - but I just couldn't visualise it. So I came up with a scheme to let me do the inside first.
  • Add reasonable sized fillets between the stations (can't take them out yet, they are defining the shape of the hull). This is seen above, with masking tape each side of the fillets for neatness. The fillets are epoxy mixed with WEST filleting blend.
  • Remove the satations and fill in the gaps in the fillets.
  • Glass the inside.

This worked, and held the shape perfectly, but was more stages and so more work than glassing the outside first.

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